5 files of complaints to winter in late January to February.

#5 Fast forward to early spring, (cool technology sounds)

As fluffy February arrives, I began to look forward to that warm graceful spring, but a the same time I’m still waiting for that one big snowstorm. You can see how that’s a problem…

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#4 This meme describes EXACTLY the slow, low hanging winter sun.

That depressing time in late January into early february is still so dark…. Hang in there, we are halfway through the dark tunnel of winter.

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#3 Oh by the way, it is going to be 40 degrees on Sunday, February 2nd 2020, now won’t that feel good????


Especially in early frozen Feb.

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(Oh by the way, 40 degrees has that effect on Minnesota too.)

#2 Only REAL spring in Wisconsin starts in (drum roll)…

Image result for wisconsin spring memes


#1 Going back to the February mixed feelings blues…

In freezy Feb, has that warm warm day suddenly urges you to hope for spring but it’s still really winter? That has happened to me, I don’t like it when that happens because I’m still waiting for that 1-footer snowstorm.    🙁

Image result for wisconsin spring memes




The top five winter and creepy cat memes of the new year!!!

#1 How I feel at the (near) end of winter…..

I have mixed feelings about the end of earthling  winter, I’m tired of the cold but still waiting for a big snowstorm. But don’t get me started with groundhog day, a fat rodent seeing its shadow in the snow does not convince me in the least about the “6 weeks left of winter”. Astronomical winter ends on March 21st anyway so there is about a six week span between Feb. 2nd and Mar. 21st anyway.

Image result for winter memes"



#2 The positive thing about winter is…(drum roll)

No itchy earthling pests buzzing in your ear and trying to suck out your blood!!!! (yes, I do mean mosquitoes) Anyways, enough of my chit chat, here is the meme.

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#3  The creepy night stalker….

For any of you reading this who have a cute fuzzy warm feline, you could probably all relate to this. You have taken a shower and brushed your teeth, you are all ready for bed. As you walk to bed, you glance behind yourself and realize you every move is being  carefully watched by your creepy, wide and glowing eyed cat. My cat does this to me every single night!!! It’s almost like my cat is plotting to kill me.Related image



#4  Bathroom cat

People with cats: Have you ever gone to the bathroom to relief yourself when suddenly a certain wide eyed  feline just jumps out of the bathtub? This once happened to me!!! My cat scared the crap out of me!!!!! (good thing I was on the pot at the time)Image result for creepy stalking cat meme



And finely, #5 A funny cat gif

I don’t know anyone, I repeat anyone who hasn’t laughed at their cat at least once, cats are just sooooo funny!!!Image result for cat jumping gif



You got a bonus!!! A cat video!!!





Welcome to the top four best Christmas funnies of all time.

Welcome earthlings to my second blog post of this blustery cold week on planet Earth. Please, feel free to laugh hysterically until your eyeballs melt right out of your  sockets.

#4 My favorite Christmas song

This is my 5th Christmas funny because every time I see this epic song I feel sooooooo warm and cozy inside. Just kidding, I usually break out in hysterical laughter because of the plot and words of this funny song. (and the fact that it is Grumpy Cat)  

Image result for dashing through the snow on a pair of broken skis









#3   Gee, I wonder what might happen next? Who knows.

Well, let’s just say that Santa is about to fall into a pit of “magical pool of warm brown goop” . This is funny to me simply because the humor of the “misfortune” of this guy.

Image result for funny christmas

(P.S. the goop is not hot chocolate)


#2  Elf on the Shelf’s first encounter with Darth Vader.

This meme is funny to me because Darth Vader’s out of this world lack of Christmas spirit can be disturbing, unless Elf on the Shelfs are like scary creepy to you, otherwise Darth Vader is just getting rid of the pest. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!


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#1  And now… Grumpy Cat’s gift to you!!!!!!!!!!!

This awesome meme is funny because, well for those of you fellow humans who have cats, I bet YOUR cute fluffy kitty leaves you purrrrrr-fect  gifts in the “treasure” box in your home.


Image result for funny Christmas cat memes


Well, that concludes today’s funny blog post, thank you, Human for reading this blog post. Please feel free to leave a comment to request what my next post should be about.
















[dead end]



That super evil and adorable fuzzball is an earthling creature (from the heavens) called a “cat”, anyway enough chit chat, look at these hilarious cat memes/comics or whatever.

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Image result for kitten memes

I don’t know about your earthling cat, but these are soooooo my extraterrestrial cat. We would buy Our cat $50 worth of cat toys and how many toys does she ACTUALLY pay attention to?            *drum roll* None of them!! My cat will kind of play with her actual for-alien- cat toys, but at the first sight sight of that evil string from the rug or an evil string in general she will HUNT IT DOWN.

She will also forever chase down that alien red laser light, but she will never catch it. As I used that laser light up to its death, the cat relentlessly chased and chased the red dot but never caught it. #CatchTheLaserLightSomeday. Feel free to tell me something funny about your Earth cat.

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